2012-07-02 TOWARD A POST-COMMUNIST, POST-CONFUCIAN CHINA Excerpts from a talk with Harvard Professor Rod MacFarquhar and Asia Society head Orville Schell. Civil society, Project China Values and Beliefs, Project History and Memory Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2012-03-07 LEARNING TO ARGUE: RAN YUNFEI INTERVIEW Chinese politics, NRYB: Talking About China, Project China Values and Beliefs, Traditional Values Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2012-09-04 “LET’S EXECUTE CONFUCIUS AND LAOZI!” Christanity, NRYB: Talking About China, Project China Values and Beliefs Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2017-06-19 FROM CHINA’S MORAL ABYSS Literature, New York Review of Books, Project China Values and Beliefs, Souls of China Fb. Tw. Lnkd.