2018-02-05 WHO KILLED MORE: HITLER, STALIN OR MAO? New York Review of Books, Project Civil Society, Project History and Memory Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2017-07-14 CHANGING HISTORY THROUGH COMICS Literature, New York Times, Project History and Memory Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2017-05-04 AN IDEA BEFORE IT WAS A CITY China folk religion, Daoism, New York Times, Project History and Memory, Souls of China, Urbanization Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2017-04-05 THE BELLY OF THE DRAGON Buddhism, China folk religion, Daoism, New York Times, Project Civil Society, Project History and Memory Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2017-03-30 RECREATING CHINA’S IMAGINED EMPIRE New York Review of Books, Project History and Memory Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2017-03-29 “THIS IS A LONELY FEELING” Chinese politics, NRYB: Talking About China, Project China Values and Beliefs, Project History and Memory, Souls of China, Traditional Values Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2017-01-13 PUT YOUR BUTCHER’S SWORD DOWN! NRYB: Talking About China, Project China Values and Beliefs, Project History and Memory Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2016-12-30 BLOOD FABLES FROM SOUTHERN CHINA New York Review of Books, Project History and Memory Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2016-09-08 THE PEOPLE IN RETREAT? NRYB: Talking About China, Project China Values and Beliefs, Project History and Memory Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2016-06-08 CHINA’S MEMORY MANIPULATORS Project China Values and Beliefs, Project History and Memory, Urbanization Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2016-01-22 “MY PERSONAL VENDETTA” Chinese politics, Literature, NRYB: Talking About China, Project China Values and Beliefs, Project History and Memory Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2015-12-06 ONE FAMILY’S NIGHTMARE New York Times, Project China Values and Beliefs, Project History and Memory Fb. Tw. Lnkd.