Who speak for the Chinese people? In this esssay for The New York Review of Books, I look at two groups of Chinese thinkers: those inside and outside the system, and try to answer the question of who best reflects the diversity of opinion in China.

In this piece for the NYT Sunday Review, I look at how the Chinese government, for the first time since the fall of the imperial system over 100 years ago, is constructing a new civil religion based on traditional faiths--and by explicitly rejecting Christianity and Islam.

Ten years after A Mosque in Munich was published, the book still resonates in parts of the Arab world, which is grappling with the book’s key theme: how Islam has been instrumentalized for political gain.

In this recent piece for The New York Review of Books I review R.S. Sugirtharajah's wonderfully erudite and fascinating "Jesus in Asia" (Harvard University Press) that recounts Asian thinkers' efforts to disentangle Jesus from colonialism.

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