My piece in the April 22 New Yorkeron the world’s largest studio lot in the world–Hengdian World Studios–and on the falsification of history in China. Paywall alert.

Figuring out China’s direction in foreign policy is always difficult but a couple of new books make an effort at it and are very fun to read. I review them in this article in the current issue of the New York Review of Books (paywall alert).

I'm a passionate tea drinker but normally prefer Chinese greens. In this article for the New York Times travel section, I look at a surprising corner of Germany where more tea is consumed per capital than any other place in the world, and with strange customs and ceremonies.

A man with trained mice at the East Peak Temple Fair, Feb. 10, 2013. Chinese New Year is the time of year when Beijing empties out but for me it's the best time of the year.

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