A huge thank-you to the jury of the Robert B. Silvers Foundation, for making me one of their inaugural class of grantees for work in progress.
The grant is for a project I’m working on about civil society in China. As you can see from the announcement, the title of the project is “The Burning Beacon: Keeping Civil Society Alive in Xi Jinping’s China.”
I’m still working on this, so details later, but meanwhile you can check the project pages on this site for “Civil Society” and “Memory and History in China” for related articles.
The grant means a lot to me because the foundation honors Bob Silvers (see picture above), who co-founded and co-edited the NYRB from the 1960s until his death in 2017. Bob edited many of my articles and was especially interested in China and issues like civil society, human rights, and history. So it feels fitting that this project, which touches on these themes, get support from this foundation.