2016-10-07 TIGHTER CONTROLS OVER RELIGION? My piece in the New York Times on Xi’s efforts to keep a lid on China’s explosive religious growth.. Buddhism, China folk religion, Christanity, Civil society, Project China Values and Beliefs, Souls of China Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2012-06-27 “PRESSURE FOR CHANGE COMES FROM THE GRASSROOTS” Chinese politics, Civil society, NRYB: Talking About China Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2012-09-01 WILD GRASS OUT IN CHINESE China folk religion, Chinese politics, Civil society, Project China Values and Beliefs, Rule of Law, Wild Grass Fb. Tw. Lnkd.
2013-10-19 FINDING COMMON GROUND AMONG BITTER ENEMIES Chinese politics, Christanity, Civil society, New York Times, Traditional Values Fb. Tw. Lnkd.