Thanks to the National Endowment for the Humanities for making me a 2020-2021 Public Scholar.
This is a program designed to bring the ideas of academia to a broader public and this year the NEH specifically asked more non-fiction writers like myself to apply. I pitched a new book I’m writing about Chinese history and was lucky enough to have been selected.
You can see the overall NEH announcement here and the full list of 238 projects, with descriptions of each, by clicking here–fittingly (haha) I’m last on the list.
The description of my project is a bit off but it’s still a great honor and I look forward to writing this book over the coming year. I’ve almost completed book contracts on this project and will have details soon.
Many thanks for everyone involved who helped me draft the proposal, read it, support it, and of course judge it. It probably doesn’t take a village to write a grant application, but sometimes it feels like it…