One of the main characters in The Souls of China is Wang Yi, a dynamic pastor in the southwestern city of Chengdu.  In the book, I followed him and his congregation, Early Rain Covenant Church, for more than a year in 2012 to 2013, and was amazed at how he managed to walk a fine line, almost [&he

In my latest for The New York Review of Books, I look at Taoism: how it moved westward and created a new religion; as a green religion; and how western universities systematically ignore Chinese and other non-western philosophy.

Parlez-vou 中文?How growing up during Montreal’s language wars made me a China watcher In this piece for China Heritage‘s “Watching China Watching,” I talk a bit about myself, and how growing up in 1960s and ’70s Montreal made me focus my China watching on language.

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