The German edition of A Mosque in Munich is out. Coming soon will be a German page on this site but for now, German speakers can see a YouTube video promo on the book. There are also Pakistani, Indonesian and French editions in the works or out. Waiting for the Arabic…

With all the interest in Frank Dikötter’s new book on China’s Great Famine of 1958-1961, I thought it would be interesting to talk to Yang Jisheng, whose book “Tombstone” is the more authoritative book to come out on famine–and in many ways goes into more depth than Di

I’ve been fascinated by China’s religious revival, which is actually happening largely with the state’s blessing. Here’s a profile of a Daoist nun that hopefully sheds some light on it. It ran in the New York Times Sunday Magazine.

I’ve put up a bunch of new video and audio links up on the site here.They range from a talk at the Carnegie Council to National Public Radio and Canadian Broadcasting. My favorite was with Jon Weiner, a funny, informed interviewer on a Pacifica affiliate in Los Angeles

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